Agnes (Lea Salonga), a painfully shy girl, is extremely devoted and dependent on her confident and free-spirited boyfriend Jerry (Aga Muhlach), an idealistic advertising executive. Their differences strengthen their relationship. Agnes then gets petitioned by her absentee mother based in California. As Agnes flies abroad, she finds herself struggling to survive in the US. Everything seems difficult for her, especially because Jerry is not with her. Meanwhile, Jerry spends the days without Agnes guiding his career and develops another relationship with Cynthia (Cherry Pie Picache). Their long distance relationship is weakened until Agnes and Jerry fall apart. In the long run, Agnes learns to cope with the fast-paced lifestyle in the US- she gets a new place, car, and attitude. She becomes totally independent, almost emotionless. One day, Jerry is assigned to join an ad conference in New York. He pays a visit to Agnes with the hopes of winning her back. Will Jerry's visit to the United ...
Agnes and Jerry's relationship becomes distant when Agnes migrates to America.
Director: Olivia M. Lamasan
Writers: Jose Javier Reyes (story), Olivia M. Lamasan (story) | 3 more credits »
Stars: Aga Muhlach, Lea Salonga, William Martinez
Agnes and Jerry's relationship becomes distant when Agnes migrates to America.
Director: Olivia M. Lamasan
Writers: Jose Javier Reyes (story), Olivia M. Lamasan (story) | 3 more credits »
Stars: Aga Muhlach, Lea Salonga, William Martinez
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